My First 24 Hours On Mastodon: From Confusion to Connection

I cannot thank Medium enough for hosting an instance on this phenomenal platform.

Lori Brown, Writer
4 min readMay 29, 2023


image produced by author Lori Brown using Midjourney AI
Image produced by Author using Midjourney AI prompt: Cool people on laptops in a surreal setting

At first, I felt shy and nervous

When I first embarked on my Mastodon journey through Medium’s instance, I had no idea what it even was. I could not have guessed that it would be such a whirlwind experience. Just yesterday I shared my initial confusion and curiosity surrounding this decentralized social network in this quick post. Notice the difference in my use of the jargon? I went from calling it a “something something” to using the “proper” slang today. If I can catch on, anyone can.

24 little hours

Today, I want to tell you about the incredible response I received. It has only been one day of using Mastodon — but the response to my initial posts left me pleasantly shocked and filled with a familiar but long-missing sense of joy. I laughed more in the last 24 hours than I have laughed all year, and it is because of the engagements on…



Lori Brown, Writer

I'm a mom, a wife, and a playful storyteller. Voted Top Blockchain Voice on Linkedin, and voted Best Human Ever by my two dogs. #RuffLife.