No Toilet Paper On Aisle 20? Beat The System.

A workaround for the troubling shortages that started with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lori Brown
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2020


Out of toilet paper because of the Corona Virus panic
Photo by Anna Franques on Unsplash

In response to the pandemic formerly known as The Corona Virus, now called COVID-19, consumers are hoarding products.

The Things Being Hoarded Make No Sense
These are the items that were gone completely from stores when I went shopping yesterday. This list speaks volumes.

  • Toilet paper
  • Any paper products that MIGHT work as toilet paper substitute
  • Red meat
  • Plastic Bags
  • Water
  • Ice cream
  • Butter
  • Sugar

Oddly, coffee was fully stocked as were many of the items I would expect to go first during actual crisis.

Things like dry foods with long shelf lives should be selling out — if it is really crisis preparation that we are panic-buying for.

Nope. People are filling up their refrigerators with red meat and butter because we are greasy, gross, greedy beasts-in general. No wonder they also bought all the toilet paper.


It has to be a prank. There is no way we are so easily manipulated to actually buy out all the toilet paper in the country, right? What are we? A bunch of easily agitated beings? A species of heathens? What is with the weird list of products being hoarded?

There are many theories afloat in my circles of friends, and none of them justify the lack of certain products.

  • This is a supply chain issue.
  • This is a power in media issue.
  • This is a greed issue.
  • This is a supply and demand imbalance during unforeseen spikes issue.
  • This is my neighborhood’s issue.
  • This is a (Fictitious) Panic Magazines Best Selling Issue

Regardless of the reason for the emptying of shelves in stores everywhere we can all still manage in a decent way. People will need all…



Lori Brown

I write quirky and comical pieces while somehow maintaining accuracy and relevance about technology, love, life and business. When I'm not writing I'm reading.